Time lapses and slow-mos can be created a few different ways. The ways we use are by recording in that specific mode or editing it later. If you record in time lapse or slow-mo mode, you usually don't have to edit the clips as much after. If you record normally, you have to go into an editing app to change the speed. I think it is easier to edit the clips in an editing app so you can choose the specific speed you want it at.
I think the hardest part of this assignment was getting the perfect shot. I had to worry about so many things: the horizon line, lighting, people, stability, rule of thirds, timing. All those components are what makes a stunning shot. I had to have my camera set up flawlessly before I started recording so I wouldn't be rushing. The best part of this project was getting to sit in nature and watch everything that goes on. There are so many amazing things that happen in nature and it is so cool to watch.
I agree with my results. I believe I got some 3's because of a few reasons. Some of my shots were shaky and blurry. Also, my text layers could have been edited more so they would match the color scheme. This project was really fun and I hope we get to do one like it again!