Our overall message for this movie is to always be kind and help no matter what. If you watch our clip, you might think the message is something else. You might think it is making new friends or respecting someone else, but we think the biggest message is being kind and helpful. In our movie, Ella and I taught each other how to surf and how to be a fashionista. If you see someone in need of help, just help them. Whether it is giving tips on how to do something or just telling them it'll be okay, it always helps.
What was one of the biggest challenges our team faced? We definitely had a few challenges along the was, just like any other film teams. I think the biggest challenge was working together in a limited amount of time. Since we all have very busy schedules, it was hard to meet up in the first place. When we finally had the chance to meet up, we weren't as prepared as we should have been. The camera that we signed-out from our teacher died half way through our filming, so we had to use Ella's GoPro. Once we got all of our filming done, we had to edit. We didn't work that well together while editing because our ideas didn't quite match. On the due date of our movie, we finally agreed on the editing issues. If you ever do this project, make sure you have enough time. We definitely had a limited amount of time, resulting in not-so-perfect work. :( Other than that, we had a fun time! Hope you enjoy!
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